Senin, 16 April 2012


The number of divorce cases in Indonesia has increase every year. The Religious Affairs Ministry said the rate of divorce in Indonesia had jumped from an average of 20,000 cases per year to more than 200,000 cases per year. The data showed that Indonesia become the highest rate of divorce cases in the Asia Pacific region.

Divorce has increase since Indonesian democratic reforms 10 years ago.  Some couple decided to divorce because the husband and wife have different takes on political issues. The another reasons are their couple has economically independent so they don’t need material support from their couple, the free flow of information is spreading a greater awareness of their rights, the changes in lifestyle of their couple also cause divorce it happen.

The negative effects of parents separation or divorce on teenagers are very complicated. It will impact their happiness and also their health. The teenagers also have psychological and behavioral problems. It can reflect to their attitude, usually children of divorce often have the attitude that tends to quiet, because he keep all the problems in his family by himself, and may affect relationships with his friends, he also tends to temper because he was angry with his family situation is different from a broken family and her other friends. so some of them became rebellious child.


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